With so much talk about global warming, many people are taking a greater interest in nature. Add to that the desire to get out of the house without being bombarded by germs, and you have a whole realm of tree lovers and nature enthusiasts. Not sure what to buy for gifts for tree lovers? These ideas will spark new hobbies for them, aid their conservation efforts, and share their love of nature with others.
1. Bonsai Starter Kit
Fun gifts for tree lovers
Bonsai trees make an excellent gift for tree lovers who don’t have much space to cultivate full size trees. Plus this hobby can provide a relaxing break from the daily grind.
While a beginners kit is a perfect way to try this pastime, they will need tools for pruning and shaping the tree as it grows. They will also benefit from a book for beginners to learn the ins and outs of growing Bonsais.
2. Hydroponic Growing Kit
Living gifts for tree lovers
Even if they have no room for a garden outdoors, they can still benefit from growing some of their own food inside. With a hydroponic system, they can grow herbs and vegetables all year round. I started initially with herbs. When they got big I transplanted them outdoors. However, my neighbors continue to keep theirs within hands reach of their kitchen. There is nothing like snipping fresh basil or dill to add to a home cooked meal.
If they already grow herbs, you may want to give them some vegetable seeds. I have had good luck with a variety of lettuce and have some tomato vines growing now too. Throw in some extra plant food so they never run out of nutrients.
3. Grow Your Own Mushroom Kit
Vegetarian gifts for tree lovers
Many vegans and vegetarians get protein from mushrooms. Why not give them a kit to grow interesting varieties at home. This is on my holiday list this year.
You can give them a mushroom cookbook so they know how to use their new harvests.
Hard core nature lovers who live off the land and enjoy bare bones hiking may benefit from a mushroom foraging kit. However, they need to be cautious as some mushrooms are poisonous. They need to know how to tell the difference!
4. Zero Waste Kitchen Products
Sustainable gifts
Tree lovers want to preserve the environment and reduce their footprint on this planet. There are many gifts available to help do that such as plant based garbage bags, natural cleaners, and biodegradable sponges. I look forward to trying the reusable beeswax food wraps.
There are also eco-friendly bath kits. Instead of plastic combs and toothbrushes, these are biodegradable so they won’t clog up landfills for centuries.
My husband and I bring reusable bags when we shop. It helps the environment and prevents a clutter of plastic bags in our garage. These reusable grocery bags come in a variety of colors and themes. I think I will get a bunch of Christmas bags to use for people’s gifts this year instead of gift bags. Then they can use the bag to shop with.
5. Compost Bin for Kitchen
Useful gifts for tree huggers
Composting is a convenient way to cut back on garbage while reusing it to grow plants. However, where are you supposed to keep those vegetable scraps before dumping them outside? I used to keep an old container on my counter. But nobody wants smelly rotting vegetables staring them in the face as they try to prepare a tasty dinner. A compost bin for the kitchen will keep this refuse out of sight and smell until they can take it outdoors.
Of course, they will also need a backyard compost bin. Growing up, my dad had a fenced area out back that he used for compost. However, this attracted animals. An enclosed bin will prevent unwanted critters from feasting on vegetable waste.
Compost needs moisture to help break down the components to create soil. Give them a moisture meter to help recognize when they may need to add some water.
6. Live Christmas Tree
Christmas gifts for tree lovers
Christmas creates a dilemma for nature lovers. Do they get an artificial plastic tree that is bad for the environment, or do they chop down a real tree which is also bad for the environment? Neither. Give them a live tree with the roots still attached. My family did this one year. When we moved into our new house, we planted the tree in the backyard. It is now over 15 feet tall!
Another way to have a live Christmas tree is to plant one themselves with pine tree seeds. This is a gift that keeps giving, as they can give baby trees to friends as holiday gifts next Christmas. What about ornaments? To keep with the green theme you could make them some homemade ornaments. But if you don’t have the time or talent to do this, give them some De Kulture eco-friendly wool ornaments.
7. Backyard Rain Barrel
Water conservation gift ideas for tree huggers
Tree huggers will find a rain barrel useful for collecting water for their plants. I use ours to water our garden every morning. I only have to use the hose to water the garden after it hasn’t rained for a while. A short plastic hose attached to the gutter siphons off the rain water, collecting it in the barrel. I try to get some steps in by walking back and forth with a pitcher, but many barrels can be attached to a hose for convenient use.
Conservationists will also appreciate a water conservation shower head. These minimize water use by increasing water pressure.
Nature lovers enjoy spending time outdoors. A water filter for hiking will make drinking water safe while exploring outdoors, preventing the need to carry around toxic plastic water bottles.
8. Ecokins
Best gifts for tree huggers
These cuties are made from recycled plastic bottles, making them hypoallergenic. What a fun way to teach kids about conservation.
Or you can give a tree hugger a 4Ocean bracelet. These are made from recycled plastic bottles, and the beads are made from recycled glass.
You can also make a donation to improve natural habitats by symbolically adopting an animal. This gift is perfect for a person who has everything but wants to make a difference in the world.
9. Tree Faces
Cool presents for tree lovers
These detailed facial features make an interesting addition to any tree in their yard. The faces remind us that trees are alive and need to be cared for.
To transform their home into the great outdoors, forest wallpaper will create a nature retreat in whatever room they choose.
Do they have a big tree in their backyard that is begging for a swing? Give them a wooden swing so they can sit under nature’s canopy and feel like a kid again.
10. Recycled Bottle Wind Chimes
Unique tree hugger gift ideas
Tree huggers will appreciate the way crafters reuse and repurpose old items, creating one of a kind gifts. Recycled bottle wind chimes will infuse the air with a relaxing ambiance for enjoying their backyard haven.
You can also get cheese boards made from recycled bottles. These make a thoughtful hostess gift.
Or choose some recycled skateboard furniture, such as tables, stools, or even a chess game!
11. Feng Shui Tree of Life
Birthday gift ideas for tree lovers
What better gift than good luck? These Feng Shui trees are thought to bring luck to the owner.
Is there someone that usually requests gift cards or cash? It always feels so impersonal, doesn’t it? This time get a gift holder tree. Each branch can be used to attach money or gift cards, making it a unique gift.
Kids and adults alike will like building lego trees and flowers. There is even a whole selection of tree houses for kids to get creative with. Who knows? It might spark a family project to build a real tree house!
12. Guide to Trees
Best gifts for tree lovers
While this may not seem exciting to you, to a tree lover a guide of trees is like a bucket list challenge. They will love reading information about each tree and making it a mission to find each one in nature.
If they like creating craft cocktails in addition to being tree enthusiasts, they will enjoy the Drunken Botanist, a book telling about the origins of plants used in cocktails.
Do they spend their free time hiking, camping, and exploring uncharted territories? Then they will benefit from The Lost Art of Reading Nature Signs. This is a necessity. It teaches what plants are edible, how to look to the sky for signs of the weather, and much more.
13. Artsy Bird House
Wildlife gifts for tree lovers
If they like trees, they probably enjoy watching the creatures who live in them. Give them an artsy birdhouse to attract these fine feathered friends. If you build it, they will come.
Or maybe they are enthralled by bees. A bee house might start up an interesting new hobby for them.
If they prefer something more passive than tending bees, give them a wildlife feeder to attract little four footed critters.
14. National Parks Games
Fun gifts for a tree hugger
Include family and friends in their love of trees and nature by choosing from a wide selection of national park board games.
Ecology games will also make an educational addition to game night. Learn about photosynthesis or bizarre biomes.
Maybe they prefer setting up a forest jigsaw puzzle. Everyone can add pieces as they walk by. This gift combines their love of nature with their love of puzzles.